Clarins Gentle Foaming Cleanser Review


Clarins Gentle Foaming Cleanser With Cottonseed

Hello there! I recently picked this up a few months ago and decided it is time to do a review on it.

My skin is incredibly sensitive while being combination. The mix of oily, dry, and sensitive can drive me mad some days. There are few products that I can use that won’t make my face bright red. I was using Cetaphil before this cleanser and it was nice…nothing too special, though. But it did do its job.

I also have never had acne. My skin has always behaved and maybe once or twice I would get a pimple but other than that no problems with acne.

That all being said, I bought this cleanser because I wanted to have a better cleanser than the cheap one I was currently using. Something ‘professional’ and chose this one.

This cleanser is very nice. It has a beautiful herb smell to it and lathers like crazy! I always feel so lux using it. And let me tell you, you need a VERY little amount to be able to coat your whole face. Like just a pea size. It is a very gentle formula and I find that I can use it twice a day without any issues at all! After using the cleanser I follow up by using my toner and moisturizer.

My thoughts? I think it is a lovely product and great bang for your buck! It lasts for ages due to the tiny amount you have to use when washing your face. It also doesn’t strip my skin, making it feel itchy or dry and flakey. But how does it work? Well…I don’t really know.

My skin is now full of acne and I do not know if it was the cleanser causing it (actually I know it wasn’t) but while it didn’t cause the problem, it didn’t help it either. I feel like with acne and zits it is too gentle and doesn’t get rid of the problems on my face which is a big sign to me that it isn’t working.

I think if you have non-problematic skin it is a great cleanser! But sadly, I will be looking for a more targeted face wash right now.

If you wish to purchase this product you can do so here (not a sponsored or affiliated link) and it retails for $26.00 USD.


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